Pacific Geographies #58
Pacific Geographies #56 published
Pacific Geographies #56
Pacific Geographies #55 published
Pacific Geographies #55
Pacific Geographies #54 published
Pacific Geographies #54
Pacific Geographies #53 published
We are glad to inform you that the most recent issue #53 of our journal Pacific Geographies has been published. Editorial of PG #53: Dear readers, we are delighted to present you a new special issue of Pacific Geographies, this time More …
Pacific Geographies #51 published
We are glad to inform you that the most recent issue #51 of our journal Pacific Geographies has been published.
Poster exhibition “The Change of Southeast Asia’s Metropolis” (Südostasiens Metropolen im Wandel)
Poster exhibition “The Change of Southeast Asia’s Metropolis” (Südostasiens Metropolen im Wandel).
[APSA e.V.:409] Einladung zur jährlichen Mitgliederversammlung der APSA e.V.
Sehr geehrte APSA-Mitglieder, hiermit möchte ich Sie ganz herzlich zu unserer Mitgliederversammlung am Mittwoch, den 19.12.2018 um 18.00 Uhr c.t. im Versammlungsraum, 5. Stock des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Hamburg (Raum 531, Geomatikum, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg) einladen. Im Anschluss More …
Pacific Geographies #50 published
We are glad to inform you that the most recent issue #50 of our journal Pacific Geographies has been published online. This is the editorial of the Pacific Geographies #50: EDITORIAL Dear readers, Pacific Geographies celebrates it’s 50th issue and we More …