
Journal Pacific Geographies

The Association of Pacific Studies (APSA) is publishing the peer-reviewed semi-annual journal Pacific Geographies (formerly known as: Pacific News).

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The Pacific Geographies provides an interdisciplinary academic platform to discuss social, cultural, environmental and economic issues and developments in the Asia-Pacific region. It is an open access journal, all articles can be downloaded for free.

It is the aim of Pacific Geographies to also encourage emerging researchers such as postgraduate students as well as practitioners to report on their research-based work. The journal targets a wide audience of readers including academics and students, public and private sector representatives and the general public with an interest in research that is based in the Asia-Pacific region.

The managing editiors of Pacific Geographies are Michael Waibel / Hamburg University and Matthias Kowasch / Graz University. The managing editors are supported by the editorial board. The task of the editorial board is to disseminate knowledge about Pacific Geographies within the scientific community, to invite particularly emerging scholars to publish at our journal, to advise on the contents and to do reviews or to suggest potential reviewers.

Book series Pazifik Forum

The APSA is also publishing current research output such as from PhD-theses, results from conferences and from lecture series or visual documentations within the book series Pazifik Forum. Up to now, 19 volumes of  the book series Pazifik Forum have been published.

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Poster Exhibitions

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Since a few years, the APSA is also aiming to reach to out to a wider audience through the publication of poster exhibitions. A key target group of this activity are school classes. This particularly serves to raise awareness about issues of sustainability against the backdrop of global climate change. Topics covered so far, have been the documentation of the highly dynamic change of Chinese cities and of mega cities within Southeast Asia. The exhibition about China’s cities has been regularly organised parallel to the CHINATIME Hamburg event series, coordinated by the Senate of Hamburg Municipality. The 2015 edition got supported from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Science Year initiative with the topic “City of the Future”. Partner country of this activity was China. The exhibition about mega cities in Southeast Asia has been developed in cooperation with the foundation Asia House, now based in Cologne.